Local » Chiropractor » SA » Adelaide » Amber Laris

Amber Laris

  • Level 2, 33 Pirie Street, 5000, SA
  • (08) 8221 6100

Chiropractor and Osteopath located in the heart of Adelaide

Amber Laris has been treating patients in the heart of the city for over 30 years. She is a member of both the COCA – Chiropractic and Osteopathic Association of Australia and the CAA – Chiropractic Association of Australia.

AmberÂ’s emphasis is on treating the whole person and to this end she employs a diverse range of low force techniques designed to suit the individualÂ’s needs. At the heart of this approach to treatment is the fact that the body is designed for health.

If you are seeking treatment to deal with pain, discomfort or any other deviation from wellbeing, AmberÂ’s holistic approach to your health means that the bodyÂ’s natural balance is restored and its ability to heal itself is developed.

Open Monday to Friday 10am - 5:30pm. Closed public holidays.