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KF Massage

  • 12/16 Fletcher Road, 5251, SA
  • 0439 992 869

Remedial Massage Therapist

Remedial Massage
Moderate to fast paced massage using a variety of techniques, can also include thermotherapy, postural release techniques, corrective exercises and post-isometric stretching. These techniques are used help to restore or promote motion and to reduce or prevent pain.

Sports Massage
Pre event sports massage is fast paced using compression techniques to improve flexibility and to energise muscles directly before an event.
Post event sports massage is a slow deep massage aiding muscles to warm down and relax, and reducing recovery time after training.

Trigger Point Therapy
This helps to release muscle fibres by applying pressure to the muscle belly or at the origin or insertion point of a muscle that is hypertensive. Pressure is applied for a short period of time to aid the muscle fibres to release.

Japanese massage involves stretching, squeezing and massaging to stimulate the body. Great for maintaining health, relieve and prevent sports injuries, and restore and balance emotions. This type of massage does not require oil and can be performed through clothing.

Relaxation Massage
Is generally a light or moderate pressure Swedish massage and is great to relax tired and aching muscles, rejuvenate your body and refresh your mind. Massage can help relieve pain, relax muscle spasms, promote faster healing and used to manage daily stress and chronic pain.

Essential oils blends are made for the individual and have many therapeutic benefits for beauty, general well being , emotional help and illnesses. Aromatherapy can be applied during massage, used in a burner, creams lotions and in a bath.

Myofascial Release
Fascia surrounds every muscle, tissue and bone within the body and when the body experiences trauma, through injury or stress the fascia becomes tight and constricted. Myofascial Release is a gentle, but powerful modality to help soften the fascia. Benefits people that suffer with chronic pain.

Working to stimulate specific reflexes within the ear to help alleviate acute musculoskeletal pain and health conditions within the body. It is less invasive than other modalities and can be used as a treatment on its own however it works best when used in conjunction with other modalities.

Similar to Auriculotherapy, but works with the hands and feet. It is based on the principle that the hands and feet are maps for the entire body. Reflexology can help to rebalance the body and relieve physical and emotional stress.

Lymphatic Drainage
Gentle and light massage to help move lymph forward in the body, which may improve your immune system, improve sleep patterns, reduce stress and increase energy.