Our team of chiropractors are dedicated to caring for the wellbeing of all our clients and utilise a range of different Chiropractic techniques
Chiropractic Adjustments
We provide Chiropractic adjustments to clients of all ages.
We offer both traditional manual and low force activator, blocks and drop table adjustments. G5 massagers are often used as part of the adjustment procedure.
When you phone in for an appointment, please inform us if you have a preference for adjustment type.
Clients are offered the use of the Aqua Thermassage dry spa bed as part of their adjustment on their second and subsequent visits.
Onsite X-rays
Onsite X-rays are available at the Rockhampton and Gladstone Clinics. The images are emailed to Professional Radiology Outcomes, a team of chiropractic and medical radiologists who read the films and produce a written report.
Patients are given a disc of the images upon request.
All patients will receive a written report.