8/3 Richmond Avenue, Sylvania Waters NSW 2224 -------- For acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine or Alternative Medicine needs in Sydney and Sutherland Shire, call Rodd Sanchez Sydney Acupuncture.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has gained popularity among those who want a more traditional way of healing. Whether you want a change in lifestyle or you seek healing for some serious illness, Rodd Sanchez can help you with all your health needs.
With over 22 years of experience as a nurse and as an acupuncturist, Rodd Sanchez has gained extensive training in integrating modern health techniques with alternative methods of healing. Aside from acupuncture, he also offers Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, therapies, health assessment, health solutions programs, cosmetic acupuncture, acupuncture joint injection and oriental body works like massage and Gua Sha. Rodd Sanchez also offers programs that help with conditions such as smoking cessation, fertility, fibromyalgia, neurological conditions, mental health issues and dermatological problems.
Acupuncture - This is an ancient health therapy which is an effective alternative to surgery. Acupuncture aims to re-establish the flow of Qi by inserting fine, sterile needles into the acupuncture points. Today, it is widely used in private practice, hospitals and aged care facilities. Acupuncture can be used to provide pain relief, treat ailments and their underlying cause, and assist in prevention of disease and maintenance of overall well-being.
Chinese Herbal Medicine - This is derived from plants of herbal materials. The medicine can be in the form of liquid extracts, tea, powdered or granulated, raw, pills or capsule preparations. It is usually prescribed to treat neurological conditions, respiratory ailments, skin conditions, digestive order problems, sporting injuries, among others.
Health Solutions Programs - Rodd Sanchez also offers specialised programs to treat conditions like fertility issues, weight loss and weight management, smoking cessation, sports performance, eye problems, skin conditions and digestive problems.
Rodd Sanchez offers an extensive range of health services in his acupuncture clinics across Sydney and Sylvania Waters (Sutherland Shire). The clinics are AHPRA - accredited (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and Rodd Sanchez is a member of AACMA or Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association.
Contact or visit Rodd Sanchez to book your consultation today.